Diabetes Reaching Epidemic Proportions? Over 300 Million At Risk Globally!
What you don’t know can kill you!
Do you find that headline alarming? If you did, good for you! This silent killer must be stopped. The only way that can happen is by each of us taking personal responsibility for ourselves and those we know and love.
Let’s take a look at some facts:
According to endocrinologist Frank Vinicor of the CDC (Center For Disease Control):
“We’re seeing the greatest increase in obesity and lack of physical activity in people in their 30’s, so therefore it is not surprising to find the 70% increase in just 8 years.
We are now beginning to see the consequences of physical inactivity and weight gain that go well beyond feeling good about yourself or cosmetic issues.”
Did you know that approximately 17,000,000 Americans have diabetes? This equates to 6.2% of the population. And, at the current rate of increase, there are about one million new cases per year.
The really frightening part of this is that this is probably an “under estimation” because it is not uncommon for diabetes to go undetected for as long as 12 years before being properly diagnosed.
Sadly, many of us will lose friends and family before they are even diagnosed! Why? Because research shows that the following consequences of diabetes occur statistically in the USA per annum: